Welcome to our DAS 140 and DAS 142 Form Guide, which are important forms to know for contractors working on state or mixed funded public works projects in the state of California. As specialists in public works labor compliance consulting, we recognize how difficult it is to find resources in this industry and are here to provide a helping hand.
It is essential to understand the meaning of these forms and know how to accurately fill them out, regardless of experience level, to guarantee compliance and prevent any potential penalties. We'll cover what you need to know about the DAS 140 and 142 forms in this article, including their purpose and detailed instructions on how to fill them out. Together, let's dive in and clarify these apprentice forms.
On state and mixed funded projects over $30,000 in total contract value, you are typically required to hire apprentices in order to meet a 1:5 ratio of apprentice to journeyman hours on the project. To check if your classification is apprenticeable, locate the classification on the DIR’s prevailing wage section of their website and look for the pound sign next to the classification name. If there is a “#”, it is an apprenticeable classification and you are required to submit apprentice forms for said classification. If your classification has no “#”, then it is a non-apprenticeable classification and you are not required to request apprentices for said classification.
If your classification is apprenticeable, here are the DAS 140 and 142 meanings:
DAS 140 forms are meant to notify DIR approved apprenticeship committees that you are going to be working on a Public Works project.
DAS 142 forms are meant to request an apprentice for dispatch to a location of your choosing for a date and time you will have a journeyman working on the jobsite.
Although these forms seem simple, there are a few frequent mistakes to watch out for that could result in non-compliance penalties.
Apprentice Requirements Overview
Let's begin with the fundamentals. Most California and mixed funded Public Works projects require hiring of apprentices by California Labor Code 1777.5 and California Code of Regulations 230.1. Even if the value of your particular subcontract dollar amount is less, this law still applies to all contractors and subcontractors working on the project when the total contract value is more than $30,000.
DAS 140 Forms
You can access the DAS 140 form on the DIR’s website located here.
You will want to take your time when filling out this form to ensure you are entering in the appropriate information. The time requirements for the DAS 140 form is to submit the forms to the apprenticeship program compliantly is as follows: this form needs to be submitted within 10 days of signing the project contract and before the first date on site. If you do not submit these forms within these time requirements, you are opening yourself to non-compliance and potential penalties. Each apprenticeable classification you will be using on the jobsite will need their own forms. Now how do we fill these forms out?
Let’s start with the left side of the form:
Fill out your legal company name
Fill out your legal company address
Enter in the Public Works Project name and address. This should be entered exactly how it is shown on your DIR project page, which you can locate here.
Next enter in the Public Agency Awarding Contract name and address which is also located on your DIR project page and should be entered in exactly as it’s shown.
Now it’s time to enter in the apprenticeship program information. To find the list of apprenticeship programs to send this form to, go to this link and select the county of which the project is located, as well as your classification. Each program needs it’s own form. Enter the apprentice program name, address, and email as shown on the DIR website.
Next let’s fill in the right side of the form:
Enter your CSLB (Contractors License Number)
Fill in your company’s phone number
Enter in the contract execution date, the date you signed the contract for this project
Enter the exact date you expect to start this project (month, day, year)
Next you’ll enter in the estimated number of journeyman hours, your best estimate of how many journeyman hours you will use on this project in total.
Fill in the classification in the “occupation of apprentice” box.
Now you’ll calculate 20% of your journeyman hours and enter the amount in the “estimated number of apprentice hours” box
Lastly, enter in the approximate dates to be employed. This should be your best estimate as to the first day on site, and your last day on site.
Moving onto the bottom portion of the form.
Select the box that applies to your company’s situation best. Only check one box.
Box 1: Your company is approved to train from a specific apprenticeship program. You will need to fill in the apprenticeship program name on the line after checking off the box.
Box 2: You have signed a project specific agreement for this project only with an apprenticeship program. Enter in the name of the apprenticeship program on the line after checking off the box.
You are not affiliated or approved to train with a specific apprentice program.
Sign, date, print your name and title.
You are now ready to submit this form by fax, email, or physical mailing it to the apprenticeship program. Keep your proof of submission handy! This proves you did in fact submit this to the required apprenticeship programs, without it, you could be penalized for non-submission.
You must submit the DAS 140 Form if your organization lacks a DAS 7 permission form.
DAS 142 Form
You can access this form on the DIR’s website here.
This form is used to request apprentices in order to meet the 20% apprentice to journeyman hour ratio. The time requirements for this form are as follows: submit this form at least 72 hours in advance (excluding weekends and holidays) from the chosen dispatch time and date. You are also required to have a journeyman of the same classification on site working at the chosen dispatch time and date, and should an apprentice be dispatched, a journeyman should be on site working at all times so the apprentice is not left “unsupervised”.
Let’s start filling out the DAS 142 form.
Starting with the left side:
Enter in today’s date
Fill in the apprenticeship program name, address, phone number, and fax number/email. Again, the apprentice programs you are required to submit this form to is located on the DIR’s website linked and mentioned previously.
Now the right side:
Enter in your company legal name
Enter in your company’s legal address
Fill out your CSLB (Contractors State License Number)
Enter in your DIR PWCR Number (Public Works Contractor Registration Number)
Lastly, fill out your company’s phone and fax number.
For the middle portion:
Enter in the DIR Project Number
Contract number (located on the project’s DIR page, not to be confused with the DIR project number)
The total contract amount listed on the DIR page
Your company’s contract amount
The legal name of this project located on the DIR page
Enter the address how it is listed on the DIR page
And finally the bottom portion:
Enter in the number of apprentices needed (remember you are trying to meet the 20% apprentice to journeyman hour ratio)
Enter in the DIR classification in the “Craft or Trade” box.
Fill out the date of which you’d like the apprentice to be dispatched
Fill out the time to report
Name of person to report to (the apprentice’s point person for when they get there)
And finally the address to report to
Submit your DAS 142 by email, fax, or by physically mailing it to the apprenticeship programs applicable to the county and classification. It is up to the apprenticeship program as to whether or not to dispatch an apprentice. It’s incredibly important to keep your proof of submission with the DAS 142 form you produced so that you can prove you made the request. Should no apprentices be dispatched, it is recommended to make additional requests to show your best faith effort.
We understand this is a lot of information to take in. Rest assured we are here to help guide you through the process and can even take the document production and submission tasks off of your plate. Contact us today to find out more about our services and how we can help you and your project’s stay on track in regards to compliance efforts. As an overview of these forms and requirements, continue your research on apprentice requirements by reading the California Labor Codes and the DLSE’s Public Works Manual.