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Prevailing Wage Rates

A federal minimum wage may not reflect varying living costs across regions. Prevailing wage rates address this by considering average pay for workers in similar roles within a specific area. These rates set the minimum contractors must pay similarly employed workers on certain projects. They cover both hourly pay and benefits. Learn more about how our prevailing wage rate services can help. 


Understanding Prevailing Wage Rates


Prevailing wage rates are determined and enforced by the Department of Labor. The wage is the average pay for certain jobs in a specific location or geographical area. Some individual states have their own prevailing wages. Prevailing wages usually apply to government-contracted workers who complete tax-funded public work projects.​


The wages are determined using data from the average pay rates of similar workers in a specific area. The two types of wage determinations are project determinations and general or area determinations.​


Prevailing wage rates help prevent scenarios where contractors get public works contracts based on payment of lower wages compared to their competitors. Contractors are expected to use the same wage rates when bidding on projects.​

The laws require that all workers on the project do not get less than the prevailing wage rates. The Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) stipulates that employing foreign workers must not negatively impact the wages of U.S. workers in comparable positions.

How Our Prevailing Wage Rate Service Can Help

Prevailing Wisdom offers comprehensive support for various project-related, company-specific, and industry-based needs. Our Prevailing Wage Rate services are designed to make sure employees do not receive lower pay than they should.


Trying to sort out prevailing wages with the various classifications can be overwhelming. We deliver guidance to help you avoid wage calculation confusion and underpayment penalties when working on projects. Our team assesses the type of work you will do throughout the project to make sure you comply with the regulations.


Prevailing Wisdom empowers contractors with the tools, resources, and knowledge they need to remain labor-compliant. We use our experience to identify the applicable rates and calculate the prevailing wage rates for specific project types. We track and calculate predetermined increases to help you keep up with the pay changes.


Our services bring operational efficiency. We allow you to enjoy peace of mind as you continue to be labor-compliant. With project guidance, tailored strategies, and comprehensive support, you can focus on successfully executing your projects. 

Why Choose Prevailing Wisdom?

When you choose Prevailing Wisdom, you get a team of experienced consultants with a wealth of experience and knowledge. We strive to empower your business by helping you navigate the complex Public Works industry. Prevailing Wisdom offers quick, personalized solutions to the unique requirements and challenges your business faces.


Our team comes with expertise and superior customer support. This will make the process simple, efficient, and organized. Here at Prevailing Wisdom, our comprehensive support services cover everything from record-keeping requirements to labor compliance recommendations.


If you have any inquiries about our prevailing wage rate service, feel free to contact us today.

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